Monday, July 18, 2005


Yesterday was the 50th birthday of the Happiest Place on Earth. I must say that I have many fond memories of Disneyland, both from visiting as a child and an adult and from working many long hours during college . Even with all the politics, complaints and headaches I can truly say that Walt's vision is still alive today and with this great celebration shinning stronger than ever.

When I arrived at the Park at 1:00 am on Sunday morning to get in line to be a part of the festivities (and there were already 3000 people in front of me) I had no idea what to expect...grumpy, tired people? Nope, everyone was in great sprits and even cheered on the employees at they arrived for their shifts. Once inside everything was the same, the guests were treated better than ever as Cast Members lined Main Street welcoming us all home. Reminding us that Walt wanted everyone to feel at home, welcome and loved at this magical place.

Sometimes in the bustle of the crowds that can gather at the Park we forget what it is all about, that Walt wanted to creat a place where dreams really do come true...and they do!

Happy Birthday Disneyland! Thank you Walt!

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