Thursday, November 02, 2006

and the curtain rises

It's finally opening night.

The show is still 30 minutes too long.

Two kids don't know all their lines. Granted one of them only got the part on Monday. But that's another story.

The programs are still at the pinters.

I have no concessions.

But the show will go on.

5:00 pm call, 7:00 pm curtain. I'm excited! You?


Chatty said...

Break a leg!

LBA said...

ooh - The Crucible !! Good luck with that ( hope you found the music - how annoying ! )

I miss High School Drama, some of the best memories of my life. I can still smell the excitement and electricity of Opening Night.. :)

Gina said...

Of course you know you will have to post pictures!