Sunday, June 22, 2008

A bit of this, a bit of that and a little ARGH!!!

I have enjoyed my first full week off work despite the fact that I have had to spend the evenings at the school dealing with an outside group that has rented the theatre. They were nice for the most part, at least nicer than they were last time they used the space. My kids learned a lot, mainly because I actually left the school for a couple hours at a time and they had to deal with the show on their own.

Anyway, the show closed last night. The kids were told they were being given shirts, no shirts ever appeared (they did receive gift cards to In and Out Hamburger). When the director of the group was thanking everyone for their help, I was thanked for loaning them set pieces. The ever present, ever so much of an a#$, vocal director was thanked for loaning them audio equipment. Yes, you read that right, loaning them audio equipment. Last time I checked the audio equipment was the theatre department's and the wireless mics (which are crap) were his. This just irritated me, the kids were pissed. They also didn't get a public thank you. They worked their butts off for a week, in the sweltering heat (we don't have AC in the theatre), for $10. I might be hard pressed to get them to work the shows for this group next year. They enjoy it, but they feel really used. I won't say anything because I don't want to sound petty, at least not out in my "real" world.

Okay, that was the ARGH~! Now on to this and that...

M has been gone for 12 days, he returns home just in time for us to head out for vacation. I really don't want to go. We are going through another rough patch with B and her feelings toward me and my marrying her dad. I don't want to leave the puppy (I will have to post some pictures...she's HUGE!). I just want to stay here and enjoy my summer and not run around like a crazy person. Wow, how many people say they don't want to go on vacation? Am I really crazy.

I have upped my traning for the Avon Walk, it is less than 90 days away and my longest walks are only at 3mi. Probably because I walk with the dog and I don't think she can walk that far and I certainly can't carry her back to the car if she loses her pep. If you would like to make a donation to my walker fund you can do that at , I'm walker number 871001. It would be greatly appreciated.

One of my favorite blogs to read has several pictures of the lovely blogger herself. This got me thinking...I'm never in any pictures. It could be because I am 50lbs overweight and I subconsciously avoid the camera, but would never know I was at most of my family functions. I am usually behind the camera. This summer I say remedy this...I will lose the 50lbs (that way I know that's not the reason and I might actually like the pictures I'm in) and I will make sure to have pictures taken of me. I did this when in China, I don't know why I don't do it all the time. I also forget to take pictures a lot of the time. This would explain the lack of pictures in my blog and why I seem to have lost my scrappy mojo. (although I am beginning to feel crafy this summer).

I have a TON of things to do before we leave tomorrow...I can't believe most of it isn't done yet. I think I will blame it on the's been too hot to do almost anything. Here is a low down of what will happen before I leave for the airport tomorrow at 5:00 am.

1. finish laundry
2. pack
3. create a dog run inside the house for the puppy
4. go to the petstore
5. type detailed instructions on how to care for pets
6. get keys made for the various housesitters to take care of pets
7. pick up audio and lighting equipment from the school to prevent it being stolen during the summer.
8. finish cleaning the house
9. buy a swimsuit (not like I haven't had TONS of time to do this)
10. clean out the fridge (I don't want to come home to anything stinky)
11. meet with the house sitters so they know how to walk the puppy
12. create lock-up checklist to prevent OCD panic at airport
13. go to the bank to deposit tax check
14. pay bills to avoid them being late while I am gone

I guess that really isn't that much. I think I might actually make it. If I actually get moving....

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