Friday night at about 8:00pm Michael and I arrived home from dinner and grocery shopping and had the make the very difficult decision that it was Stoli's time. We rushed him to the emergency vet clinic where we said our final good-byes.
Stoli was the coolest dog ever. He loved to play "chase-me-around-the-yard", loved to go on long walks and was great with everyone he met.
I am so sad that I had to let him go, but he was ready and I am glad that it was a short time since we found out we would be losing him. I don't know what I would have done if it had taken months.
Stoli got to spend his last month going on lots of extra walks (even in the freezing cold rain), and spending time in the house (he had been previously banished because of a cat issue). And his last week he got to go for tons of car rides, just because I wanted to take him with me, he spent time at the school where he got to go after the bunnies (no harm came to any bunnies, he just wanted to check them out) and play with my drama kids. This was one loved doggie.
Final good-byes are always hard...but we all know that Stoli is in a better place. And he knows that he was well loved and will always be missed.
I am so sorry for your loss and can relate to the struggle between knowing it is the right thing to let a pet go and the pain of that loss.
My mom said goodbye to her Boxer Heidi about five months ago. It was the right thing to do. These creatures just give so much love and companionship to us and we only want to know that we've taken care of them the best we could.
Stoli is a great name, BTW. Beautiful dog!
I am so very sorry you have lost your dear Stoli....! It is one of the hardest things in this world, I think...There is something so very precious about the love between humans and their pets...A truly special somthing that exists no where else---certainly not in human to human, as wonderful as that can be and is....! How lucky you were to have Stoli for as long as ou did, and how lucky for him he was soooo very much loved! My heart goes out to you, my dear.
I haven't stopped by in a while due to major! changes going on in my own life but.... I am so, so, so, sorry for your loss. Stoli was lucky to have you for a mom. I hope that is some comfort to you. Really. In a world where so many dogs are cast aside and forgotten, Stoli was treasured and cared for and treated like a member of the family. So, good for you and I hope that when you think of him, you visualize him happy and free at the Rainbow Bridge.
I haven't stopped by in a while due to major! changes going on in my own life but.... I am so, so, so, sorry for your loss. Stoli was lucky to have you for a mom. I hope that is some comfort to you. Really. In a world where so many dogs are cast aside and forgotten, Stoli was treasured and cared for and treated like a member of the family. So, good for you and I hope that when you think of him, you visualize him happy and free at the Rainbow Bridge.
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