Friday, January 11, 2008

poor Stoli...

I have had to take the day off work today in order to take Stoli to the vet. His is very lethargic and one of his eyes is all milky and goopy. I am so worried about him. I suppose I could have taken him to an emergency vet, but feel more comfortable taking him to his regular doctor-buddy. Not to mention that he has a history of liver disease, the regular vet has all those records.

So, I am anxiously waiting for the time to drive to the vet. I guess the only good thing coming from it is that I'm cleaning in order to stop clock-watching.

I'll post an update as soon as I get back.

Update: Stoli has a scratch on his left eye, which explains why it is so goopy. That is easily treated with ointment. The lathargic behavior, now that is another story...The vet said his tummy is "doughy" and the other vet said the same thing. This could possibly mean some type of tumor on his spleen. I am waiting for blood work to come back. If the red blood count is low then we have to do x-rays. The vet also warned that typically these type of tumors are already malignant by the time they are discovered. That was not what I wanted to hear.

Now the hard part for M and I, we have to decide where to draw the line on how much we are willing to spend. Husky's can live 12 -14 years, Stoli is about 9. He was a pound puppy so we aren't sure exactly, the pound thought we was about 3 when I adopted him and I've had him for almost 6 years. It at this point that I tell eveyone who has a pet to buy pet insurance. I always thought it was silly, and then Stoli had illness about 2 years ago and I toyed with the idea, but never got around to it. Well, I wish someone had sent me that "to-it" because I could really use it now. So for the love of your pets, spend the $30 a month. It could save a lot in the long run.

I will keep everyone posted on Stoli (I call for blood results tomorrow).


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh I hope whatever is wrong with yor dear Stoli is not as horrific as the Vet is saying...
I will pray for him and for you....
So sorry he and you are goinf through this.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I just left a comment, my dear...
Hope it came through...!
Praying for dear Stoli....!

Anonymous said...

I am new to your blog, and wanted to send good thoughts for your sweet Stoli. I hope everything comes out okay.