Monday, December 31, 2007

Not enough hours...

in the day to get everything done. I just realized it has been a month since I have last posted something, I haven't been keeping up with the majority of the wonderful blogs I have discovered (this is mainly because the school server has decided to block my blogroll so I can't see the blogs). So much has been going on.

The holidays have been pretty eventful around here. M and I hosted Christmas Eve dinner for his sister's family (who just relocated to CA from OR), and my family, plus we had both B and L with us this year. So, with a full house M decided he wanted to smoke a turkey (and I forgot to take pictures). I was a bit worried, something about cooking a piece of meat for 14 hours makes me nervous. IT TURNED OUT WONDERFUL!!!!!!

M's mom arrived the day after Christmas and will stay with use until 1/3. L was with us until yesterday, when she flew back to UT. B was with us until 12/29. I won't go into detail, but things aren't getting any better with B, in fact things hit an all time low during the visit. I really wish I would start to see some improvement in her relationship with M, but because of me I don't think that will ever happen. Not that I am doing anything to prevent it, I just exist and that is enough to make her so mad she lets it effect her relationship with her dad. It is very sad and made worse because her mom likes it this way. As long as B is mad at her dad, mom gets her way.

My health issues haven't improved, but I am on a ton of meds which are supposed to help. I go back in 3 months to check and see if anything has improved. I can only hope.

Now it's back to work, I have tons to do before I can even think about getting ready to go out tonight.

Have a wonderful New Year's Eve whatever your celebrations will include. Be safe! I know we will.

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