that's what I'm considering. I am developing a complete disdain for blogger. I'm not happy with an incident that occurred when I changed to a gmail account. Google automatically made that account my user name, I don't want that account linked to this blog at all. There are just some things I like to keep in separate areas of my life.
I know that sounds silly, but it's the way I like it.
So, what I would like to ask...those of you who use other blog services, what do you like? What would you recommend? Is there a service where I could just transfer my current blog content over? Or is it just gone forever?
Thanks a bunch!
typepad seems the 'other' popular choice to blogger.
And 'yay' - whatever's hanged, I can now see your whole blog again, can comment, and can scroll, so i'm happy :p
Wordpress is very easy. You can either buy and host your own domain, or you can use it at You are given so many options - private posts...yadda. I use blogger with my other site, which is on my own domain. Not sure why I never switched it...I may regret is someday...
I'm having trouble logging into blogger at all.
Half the time I just give up because I keep getting these error messages that say "your e-mail address is not recognized" and "contact our help forums for assistance." (I don't think so!) Even now I'm not sure if this post will go through.
I haven't heard of any problems with typepad users. I don't know so much about the others. Good luck!
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