Monday, January 15, 2007

Wedding Plans!

Planning for the wedding has officially begun.

We went and looked at the where we really would like to have the wedding. And the more I think about it the less it fits with what I want to do, even though I LOVE this place. If you want to see where we are thinking about check out Longshadow Ranch Winery in Temecula.

Here's the lowdown on what we would get...

Full use the facility, it would be closed to the public at 5:00 pm.
BBQ chicken and tritip, green salad, a couple of sides, coffee, tea, sodas, hot chocolate.
Tables, chairs and linens.
Serviceware, black plates and clear utensils, napkins.
A DJ, the owner of the ranch says he's good.
Use the barn for the kids if we want (at a small extra charge to pay the girls working it).
3 drink tickets per person.
Veggie and fruit platters for during guest arrival.
Set up and take down.

The cost does not include the cake, offiant, center pieces or photographer. And I'm not sure if there is a place for me to get ready there or if I have to arrive ready. I wouldn't have to worry about decorations, because the facility is in the middle of wine country and is BEAUTIFUL in the summer.

The downside of having it is very casual. I want a cocktail party. We can do our own food, but does that end up costing more money? The orignal idea was just little snacky foods. But M thinks since we are asking people to drive all the way to Temecula on a Sunday night we should provide them with food. That is fine with me. But do they serve BBQ at cocktail parties?

M really wants to have the wedding here. I might just say, okay we are splitting the cost between the two of us. We will each put in 5-6 thousand to make this really want WE want and just say to heck with the budget.

I will keep you posted on what happens. The last nice perk of having the wedding at Longshadow, just about all the planning will be done! Wouldn't that be nice!

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Haha, here everything is so expensive that a $12,000 IS a budget!! The "average" wedding price is $25,000 here.