Tonight I thought I would share my favorite mug with you...There really isn't any special about this mug, except where it came from.
I had just changed teaching jobs, and had only been at the new school for about 8 months. I was enjoying the job and had a great raport with the kids. One of the kids, Lamar Thorpe, went on a study trip to Washington DC and when he returned he presented me with the mug.
It was purchased at the Arena Theatre. The pictures on the mug are from the advertisements for the two productions running at the time - two African-American Plays.
The mug may not seem like much, but I had only known the student for a short time, and he came from a family that did not have a lot of money. The fact that he thought enough of me and our relationship in the theatre to spend some of his money on this mug because he thought I would enjoy it really touched me.
I had the pleasure of working with Lamar for one more year afte that, then he

I fondly remember those two years at San Gabriel High School. I had so many wonderful students there. The talent was raw, but fierce. So much potential, those kids truely acted from the heart in everything they did.
What a neat story and the mug must bring you great memories.
Enjoy your coffee tomorrow in it!
Ms P!!!!! Where are you???? It's me--the student who gave you the mug--LAMAR!!! I can't believe it!!! thorpela@gwu.edu
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