since I last posted. My home Dell doesn't think the cookies are turned on so I can't post from it (until today that is, it seems to be okay with blogger today). My old Compac makes M mad when I use it because I have the new Dell. My work Dell, well it's at work and I'm just way too busy there.
Well, I will just skip to the chase...The play was fab, the kids were great, I'm already rehearsing the next show and selecting the one after that.
We are now on Thanksgiving break and boy do I need it!!!!!
The next 5 days will be filled with cleaning, decorating, family and friends. I am very excited.
To get the day really going a list of a few of the things I plan on getting done today...
1. Get my hair cut touched up, the back is just growing out too quickly
2. Go to the bank
3. Clean the house
4. Decorate for Christmas
5. Paint the entry way (the great room/kitchen got painted last year and I have just never finished the job)
6. Finish my Christmas shopping
7. Make a couple gifts for Christmas
8. Send out the E-vite for our Christmas Eve family party
9. Clean the craft room so I can get crafty
10. Send a gift that should have gone out MONTHS ago
The picture is of the puppies showing each other some puppy-love. I LOVE this picture.