Sunday, October 19, 2008


I have belonged to a website called Hungry Girl for about a year. The site is great, they send out emails with good food choices and nutritional states on things you may not think about looking up.
Today I decided to try one of the recipes that came in an email (motivated by the fact my sister gave me the Hungry Girl cookbook for my birthday).

Here is my review and the recipe....

Broccoli Cheese Soup

1 tray Green Giant just for one Broccoli and Cheese Sauce
1 wedge Laughing Cow original light swiss cheese
1/2 cup plain soy milk
salt and pepper to taste

Cook the broccoli and cheese according to the directions. Peel back the film and stir, adding in the laughing cow wedge (cut it up). Replace film and cook for another 45 seconds and stir. Allow to cool for a minute or two then put in the blender (I used my food processor) with the soy milk. Blend until you like it, reheat and enjoy.

I thought it was a little bland at first, but add some salt and pepper and it is way yummy. Especially if you are trying to watch the fat and calories, but LOVE broccoli cheese soup.

You can make this for as many as you want. I like the fact most HG recipes are for 1. M doesn't always like the same things I do when I am dieting, so it makes cooking a lot easier.

I hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho...

oh crap! Do you ever feel like you work and work and work and work and nothing seems to get done?

Welcome to my world.

I am to the point where I feel guilty if I do something for myself instead of for work. I can't see my desk and don't feel like I am serving my kids the way I should.

I would post a picture of my desk, but I am a bit embarrassed by the state of it.

Here are the 6 most important things on my to do list:
1. Get grades done
2. Prep my observation lesson (next Thursday)
3. Get the poster information for the fall play to the graphic design teacher
4. Call the costumer
5. Find a new restaurant for the faculty/staff to have dinner at before the homecoming game (my first choice has apparently gone out of business)
6. Finish updating my department goals and align them to the Content Standards (yes, theatre has content standards)

Good Grief...time to run to a meeting...will it never end?

Monday, October 13, 2008


M threw a surprise birthday party for me on Saturday night. It was a lot of fun and really nice of him. I feel a little bad because I was mad at first, I had told him I didn't want a party. I knew something was up when I caught him making 3 tubs of sour cream dip.

My mom, K and I went shopping during the day and when we came home all the neighbors, friends and family were in the house. He went through a lot of trouble to make this a very special birthday and I really do appreciate it. I got over being mad really fast. I think one of the best parts was the fact that my cousin and her family changed their family vacation plans in order to make it to the party. They were planning on being in town earlier in the week, but when they found out about the party shifted things so they could come. I thought that was really nice of them.

I was impressed with who M was able to get to come. Since he doesn't really know my work friends he had the one he does know invite others, he asked my best drama teacher friend to invite anyone she could think of. It was great. And even though he said gifts not necessary, I was treated very well on this milestone of a day (I'm not telling so don't ask). Although, I think perhaps I might drink a little too much, I was given many, many bottles of wine and a bottle of vodka. I'm not sure if they are trying to tell me something. My coolest gift...a Cricut. Those of you in the scrapebooking world will know what that is. I now have my very own electronic die cut machine. It is way cool. I do feel a little guilty that M spent so much money on it. I better make good use of it.

I have a wonderful husband. B helped with the party and I was told by a couple of different people how sweet she was. She never talks to any of my friends or family when they are around her, so maybe we have hit a turning point. Maybe my not caring about it anymore (or at least not letting her know) is making a difference. Now that she can see that I'm not going to let it bother me. I hope this is a change that continues and we see lots of improvement because she has a whole new side of the family who would love to get to know her.

So, now I am one year older, hopefully a little bit wise and very very happy.

Monday, October 06, 2008

My Program is Imploding...

I don't understand. I have a great group of kids, I am doing things they say they want to do, I am knocking myself out trying to make things great for them and still they insist on letting little things make them quit the program.

I don't know if it is becoming too incestuous and not enough new kids. I don't know if I'm putting too much pressure on certain kids or what. I have never seen this happen before in a theatre program and I am at a total loss as to what to do.

I love my job, I love my kids, I love theatre, but right now I am ready to give it all up and just teach English until I can find something else. Not really what I want to do, but it might be my only alternative to being miserable.

I am also going to not argue with kids who tell me they want to drop the class. I can't continue to fight with them. I think that is what they want, for me to beg them to stay. It's not going to happen. One of my best kids is trying to transfer. Before she came in I was told it was because she was mad about what happened on Friday in class while I was gone, when she came in she told me it was because she needed to work on other credits. I think she is lieing to my face, which pisses me off more than anything.

Somehow, since coming to this district I can't make a theatre program thrive, I did great at my last district and now, I am like the kiss of death for a program. It really is weighing heavy on me right now. I have some big decisions to make.