I am thinking about auditioning for a series of one-act plays today at a local theatre. I had considered the possibility months ago when they first sent out the notice, without dates. Then the final notice was emailed and I was to be out of town, in Yosemite (more on the trip later), so I didn't even think about it again. Then Thursday when I arrived home I found another email from the theatre that they were having a round 2 of auditions. Today.
I have downloaded sides, I have read the play descriptions and still can't decided if any of them look worth my time. They are all original plays, but they also all sound dumb, with the exception of one or two.
So, with my mind not totally made up I may be heading to an audition in about 4 hours. Wish me "break a leg."
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Picture Time!
Here they are...Pictures from the wedding day.
The car was completely jammed full of stuff for the wedding. M drives an Acura, so it was a challenge to get everything from Anaheim to Temecula. But with his master packing skills we were able to do it.

Because we where having a wedding at winery we decided that the centerpieces needed to be simple, in fact the tables are the only things we decorated. We pretty much let the winery shine.

A good friend of ours took this picture while the photographer was doing pictures, I love it. Even if it is a little blurry.
This was taken near the end of the night, I had a mouth full of cake and they didn't let me swallow before snapping the shot.
The car was completely jammed full of stuff for the wedding. M drives an Acura, so it was a challenge to get everything from Anaheim to Temecula. But with his master packing skills we were able to do it.

Because we where having a wedding at winery we decided that the centerpieces needed to be simple, in fact the tables are the only things we decorated. We pretty much let the winery shine.
Here M is filling the wine bottles that we used as vases.

I'm putting the Gerbera Daisies into the bottles with a little bit of greenery.

I'm putting the Gerbera Daisies into the bottles with a little bit of greenery.
We were very lucky that the winery owner was willing to give me empties every time I went to the winery, otherwise I would have had to drink 30 bottles of wine to get enough for the tables and the bars.
It's hard to see but the lables on the bottles look like they are actual wine lables, they have our names and the date where the wine type and vintage would be. We scaned a Longshadow lable and then taylored it to our wedding. They turned out really well. In fact the owner kept several to put in the tasting room with flowers in them. I can't wait to go the winery and see them.

The main winery sign, this is where people entered the lawn area.
The main winery sign, this is where people entered the lawn area.
The location looked just perfect.
We didn't do a traditional wedding ceremony. Instead of having an aisle we just had everyone gather around for the ceremony. It was nice to be surrounded by family and friends instead of feeling like we were on stage.

We didn't have any attendants, but M's girls happened to pick dresses that were very similar to each other, and with the flowers we gave them, they looked like Jr. Bridesmaids.

The lady we found to officiate the ceremony was wonderful. If you are in this area looking for someone to do a wedding I would totally recommend her. She does weddings because she loves being a part of the happiest day of people's lives.

A good friend of ours took this picture while the photographer was doing pictures, I love it. Even if it is a little blurry.
The cupcakes were a hit. Frosted in Long Beach/Belmont Shores did an amazing job. Red Velvet cake with cream cheese iceing. How can you beat that.

So, there you have it. Our wedding in a nutshell. When I get the CD from the photographer I'll post some more.
The owner of the winery actually told us that this was one of his favorite weddings done at the winery, because we kept it so simple. We didn't try to go over the top with stuff and used the beauty of the winery to our advantage.
It was just amazing.
Monday, July 16, 2007
It's Official!
I'M MARRIED!!!! We are both so happy (it's almost disgusting). I will post pictures tomorrow, we just got home and now I need to change and head out to Disneyland to meet family. I would really rather stay home, open gifts and hang out, but you know how it is when family comes in from out of town.
Let me just tell you this much about the wedding....it was perfect. Absolutly nothing went wrong and everyone had a great time.
Thank you for the well wishes and happy thoughts.
Let me just tell you this much about the wedding....it was perfect. Absolutly nothing went wrong and everyone had a great time.
Thank you for the well wishes and happy thoughts.
Friday, July 13, 2007
final countdown...
The next time you hear from me I will be a married woman. We leave tomorrow morning at 7:00am for Temecula. We have to pick up the flowers from the wholesaler. I still have lots to do, M has already gone to bed. I spent the day shopping with my good friend, L, for her birthday. I should have stayed home and done my stuff, but I wanted to see L and I was making myself crazy trying to get everything done. Now I have the quiet of everyone either gone or sleeping to finish.
My biggest stress right now is forgetting something that should go. Followed very closely with how am I going to wear my hair and will I gain weight in the next two days and not be able to fit in my dress. Because let me tell you, it is SNUG!
Anyway, off to check my list again and look for all my cute hairbobs that have never materialized since the move. I need to find 1, just 1, dragonfly bobbypin. I know I have one in the right color, I just can't find the darn thing.
Have a good one and make sure to send me happy thoughts at 6:30pm pst on Sunday.
My biggest stress right now is forgetting something that should go. Followed very closely with how am I going to wear my hair and will I gain weight in the next two days and not be able to fit in my dress. Because let me tell you, it is SNUG!
Anyway, off to check my list again and look for all my cute hairbobs that have never materialized since the move. I need to find 1, just 1, dragonfly bobbypin. I know I have one in the right color, I just can't find the darn thing.
Have a good one and make sure to send me happy thoughts at 6:30pm pst on Sunday.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
6 days...
Less than a week, here's the most recent "To Do" list...
1. Wine tags - they have been created and laminated. Now they just need to be cut out from the laminating stuff, punched and ribbon ties added. We bought this repositionable laminate that is supposed to fully set in 24 hours. As of hour 18 I could still pull the stuff apart. Which means when I cut them appart they won't be fully sealed. If I have to go buy the permanent stuff and redo them I am not going to be happy.
2. Programs - I am creating a program sheet. Just a one pager that tells everyone what time things are happening and gives a few directions. For example we aren't having a guest book, we are having a guest photo album, I may have mentioned this before. Anyway, I have people who will take their photo and then the guests will fill out a little message card which will go under their picture in the album. But if we don't give them the directions to do this we might miss someone.
3. Guest book - I have to mount the handmade paper on cardstock so it will hold up better when people write on it.
4. Wine lables- I still need to print these. The girl at Staples said that if we bought the giant sticker sheets she could copy onto them for us. When we went back to pick them up we were informed that we could not do that. So we took my jump drive and left, leaving the two other print jobs we had done sitting there unpaid for. (which means I have to have those done someplace else)
5. Accessories - I must decide on the jewles I will wear for the big event. I may post some pictures for opinions.
6. Hair - Decide if I am going to do my own or trust some strage person to do it the day of. I know this is something that should have been done months ago, but I really thought I could do my own up-d0. I have discovered I can't, I am up-do deficient. Any suggestions to this one?
7. Pack - I will be staying in Temecula for two days. Need to pack my clothes.
8. Organize Wedding Central - Our library is currently Wedding Central, I need to move it from there into the entry way and organize it for the trip down on Saturday.
9. Timeline - I need to finalize the timeline and get that out to everyone who needs it.
Okay, I think that is everything that needs to get done before I leave on Saturday morning. I have to be in Temecula to meet the wholesale florist who is coming in special for me to pick up my centerpiece flowers. We will then drop them off at the winery and I will assemble the centerpieces on Sunday after brunch. Other than my pamering that will happen that weekend, that is everything.
And if one more person from M's family asks me if I'm going to see Harry Potter with them I may have to slap someone. As much as I want to see the new movie I think I have some more important things going on. I can't believe that they have even had the nerve to ask.
1. Wine tags - they have been created and laminated. Now they just need to be cut out from the laminating stuff, punched and ribbon ties added. We bought this repositionable laminate that is supposed to fully set in 24 hours. As of hour 18 I could still pull the stuff apart. Which means when I cut them appart they won't be fully sealed. If I have to go buy the permanent stuff and redo them I am not going to be happy.
2. Programs - I am creating a program sheet. Just a one pager that tells everyone what time things are happening and gives a few directions. For example we aren't having a guest book, we are having a guest photo album, I may have mentioned this before. Anyway, I have people who will take their photo and then the guests will fill out a little message card which will go under their picture in the album. But if we don't give them the directions to do this we might miss someone.
3. Guest book - I have to mount the handmade paper on cardstock so it will hold up better when people write on it.
4. Wine lables- I still need to print these. The girl at Staples said that if we bought the giant sticker sheets she could copy onto them for us. When we went back to pick them up we were informed that we could not do that. So we took my jump drive and left, leaving the two other print jobs we had done sitting there unpaid for. (which means I have to have those done someplace else)
5. Accessories - I must decide on the jewles I will wear for the big event. I may post some pictures for opinions.
6. Hair - Decide if I am going to do my own or trust some strage person to do it the day of. I know this is something that should have been done months ago, but I really thought I could do my own up-d0. I have discovered I can't, I am up-do deficient. Any suggestions to this one?
7. Pack - I will be staying in Temecula for two days. Need to pack my clothes.
8. Organize Wedding Central - Our library is currently Wedding Central, I need to move it from there into the entry way and organize it for the trip down on Saturday.
9. Timeline - I need to finalize the timeline and get that out to everyone who needs it.
Okay, I think that is everything that needs to get done before I leave on Saturday morning. I have to be in Temecula to meet the wholesale florist who is coming in special for me to pick up my centerpiece flowers. We will then drop them off at the winery and I will assemble the centerpieces on Sunday after brunch. Other than my pamering that will happen that weekend, that is everything.
And if one more person from M's family asks me if I'm going to see Harry Potter with them I may have to slap someone. As much as I want to see the new movie I think I have some more important things going on. I can't believe that they have even had the nerve to ask.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
7 days...
There are 7 days until the wedding! I can't believe it, it has come up so fast. And what I really can't believe is that today it was spung on me that M's ex-wife (D) will be staying in Temecula as well. Because she wants to be there to get B ready for the wedding. Not that there won't be TONS of family there to take care of it. My theory, she wants to be there so she can screw things up for me and M. I could not believe what I was hearing when B made the comment on wanting to take her dress home so her mom could figure out how to do her hair. When asked how that was going to happen, we were told that her mom was going to be down there anyway and wanted to get her for a couple of hours. She wants to get her so she can get B all worked up and upset right before the wedding.
What's worse...M is going to let her get away with it. Because even if he tells her we don't want her anywhere near the wedding, she is going to fight to do it and he will give in to her, because he doesn't want to deal with her. It kills me.
I will never bond with this child because of her mother. Her mother doesn't want B to like me. She doesn't want B to get over the divorce, she wants to create a codependent disfunctional child. And there isn't anything I can do about and nothing M will do.
What's worse...M is going to let her get away with it. Because even if he tells her we don't want her anywhere near the wedding, she is going to fight to do it and he will give in to her, because he doesn't want to deal with her. It kills me.
I will never bond with this child because of her mother. Her mother doesn't want B to like me. She doesn't want B to get over the divorce, she wants to create a codependent disfunctional child. And there isn't anything I can do about and nothing M will do.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
what another post?
Okay, I just posted, but I couldn't let this one slip by.
I just read an article on the Simpson's movie promotion being done in conjunction with 7-11. It's actually really cute, several 7-11s have been made into Kwik-E-marts for the next month, selling things such as squishies and KrustyO's. Now, here is the cool part...7-11 decided not to sell Duff Beer (Homer's favorite) because the movie is rated PG-13.
The head of marketing felt that while yes they could sell it, but why. They decided to just promote the good clean fun of it.
I thought that was pretty cool. They could have sold tons of Duff Beer, but instead decided that they would rather not because of the effect on the younger audience they will be drawing in because of the Simpson's "stuff".
This struck me so hard, that they didn't put the money first, that I sent an email to 7-11 to commend them on the decision and I have decided that I will be buying squishies and KrustyO's for the next month (the duration of the promotion).
Pretty cool, huh?
I just read an article on the Simpson's movie promotion being done in conjunction with 7-11. It's actually really cute, several 7-11s have been made into Kwik-E-marts for the next month, selling things such as squishies and KrustyO's. Now, here is the cool part...7-11 decided not to sell Duff Beer (Homer's favorite) because the movie is rated PG-13.
The head of marketing felt that while yes they could sell it, but why. They decided to just promote the good clean fun of it.
I thought that was pretty cool. They could have sold tons of Duff Beer, but instead decided that they would rather not because of the effect on the younger audience they will be drawing in because of the Simpson's "stuff".
This struck me so hard, that they didn't put the money first, that I sent an email to 7-11 to commend them on the decision and I have decided that I will be buying squishies and KrustyO's for the next month (the duration of the promotion).
Pretty cool, huh?
when is it enough?
I live in a beautiful new home with M. I used to live in an adorable little townhouse, which I now rent to M's former roommate, R.
It was hard for me to move because I was very close to my neighbors. D and I shared a common wall between our units, we used to hang out in V&G's garage. We were all friends.
Now, R is in the townhouse. He has met D once. She had been to his house once to complain about the volume of the music. She has emailed me twice about the volume of the music. The first time M went over and talked to him, this time I sent an email to him asking him to keep it down. To his defense I also asked D for more information regarding level of the sound and the times that it is too loud. But it shoulds like it is pretty much all thetime.
Here is my dilema...when do I tell him he may have to move because of this issue. He has lived there for 2 months and I have gotten 2 complaints and the neighbor has gone over once.
M and I actually argue more about this than anything. He defends R in the not turning down the music until he is asked and I side with D on she shouldn't have to go over everytime it's too loud, he should remember at what level it was when the complaint came. Mark it on the dial for goodness sake!
I don't know what to do. When do I start looking for a new renter? How do I get it through to M that D is in the right by contacting me and she shouldn't have to go to R's house everytime it was loud. I used to play my music pretty loud and she never complained about me or to me.
Ah! The perils of being a landlord.
It was hard for me to move because I was very close to my neighbors. D and I shared a common wall between our units, we used to hang out in V&G's garage. We were all friends.
Now, R is in the townhouse. He has met D once. She had been to his house once to complain about the volume of the music. She has emailed me twice about the volume of the music. The first time M went over and talked to him, this time I sent an email to him asking him to keep it down. To his defense I also asked D for more information regarding level of the sound and the times that it is too loud. But it shoulds like it is pretty much all thetime.
Here is my dilema...when do I tell him he may have to move because of this issue. He has lived there for 2 months and I have gotten 2 complaints and the neighbor has gone over once.
M and I actually argue more about this than anything. He defends R in the not turning down the music until he is asked and I side with D on she shouldn't have to go over everytime it's too loud, he should remember at what level it was when the complaint came. Mark it on the dial for goodness sake!
I don't know what to do. When do I start looking for a new renter? How do I get it through to M that D is in the right by contacting me and she shouldn't have to go to R's house everytime it was loud. I used to play my music pretty loud and she never complained about me or to me.
Ah! The perils of being a landlord.
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